There are many reasons to hold on to a home. Real estate values fluctuate and holding on until you can get more money from it can be a great idea. Keeping it because you think you might want to rent it out or will it to your children one day can also be a good reason. You might even hold on because you’re simply not sure what you want to do and it’s better to wait until you make a decision.

But there are other reasons you might hold on to a home that aren’t as good. Maybe you’re holding on for one of these reasons:

  • the property is old
  • it needs a lot of repairs
  • it’s too big and you’re worried it won’t sell
  • there are memories of a loved one associated with it
  • it’s been in your family for generations

Those might feel like good reasons to keep a home instead of selling it, but in reality, they’re just costing you money.

What does it cost you to keep owning the property?

Whatever your reasons for keeping the property, there are expenses associated with it. Even if the property is old and in need of major repairs, you’re still spending money on a minimum of maintenance.

You’re also paying property taxes. Even if you’re not living in the home, you may still be paying for homeowners insurance, utilities, and HOA fees. These might seem like minor expenses at first, but when you add them all up, it can be quite costly to keep a home.

What would you get from letting go?

Even setting aside the money aspect, there are other freedoms you gain from selling. You can find a smaller home that’s more suited to your lifestyle. You can use the money you save to travel or buy other things you want, such as boats, RVs, or a vacation home.

Holding on because the property is old, needs repairs, or you have a sentimental attachment to it is holding you back from living a full, free and happy life. Why not let go and sell the home so you can step forward into a new life?

There are plenty of options for selling your home and getting your life – and money – back. Call today and we can talk about how you can sell your property and move on with your life quickly and easily.


Interested in this topic? Need more information?

We buy houses for cash, and the company has been serving home sellers for many years. We understand that this is a stressful time, and we work hard to help simplify the process for you. If you have questions along the way, we or happy to answer your concerns. We are committed to conducting our business with honesty and integrity. Call me Rob Sanders Jr. directly at 863-712-3023.