Will and Olivia Testimonials

Will and Olivia called Rob Jr. so that we can purchase their home. After much negotiations, we gave them more than they were expecting. They were very happy where we exceeded their expectations. They are very happy with us, and are happy to recommend us to...
Liquidating Assets to Pay Bills

Liquidating Assets to Pay Bills

    Liquidating Assets to Pay Bills Owning a home is a life-long investment for many of us. We strive to take mortgages to finance our homes knowing it is long term investment. With the tough economic times that we come across, at times we are forced to liquidate...
Inheriting a Property You Can’t Keep

Inheriting a Property You Can’t Keep

  Inheriting a Property You Can’t Keep Inheriting a property may seem like a blessing to some people, but they’re also usually the ones who don’t have to actually keep up with its maintenance needs. Whatever the reason may be, you may find yourself...
Liquidating Assets to Pay Bills

I’d Like To Sell My House Quickly And Painlessly

    I’d Like To Sell My House Quickly And Painlessly Selling a house in Florida can be challenging for homeowners. But this can change once one decides to find the right investor to sell a house to. It is here my professionalism in buying homes in Florida...